
Useful contacts

ATL Valsesia Vercelli
+39 0163 922988
Write now!Consorzio Albergatori Valsesia Monterosa

Monterosa Ski area
+39 0125 303111
Write now!Monterosa2000 spa
+39 0163 922922
Write now!Alagna.it Booking centre
Contact us
See the prices!
Write now!Municipio di Alagna
+39 0163 922944
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Get inspired
Book with Monterosa Booking, call the number 0163 1900925
Tourist Office of Alagna Valsesia
0163 922 988

Alagna Tourist Office is open every day from 9am to 12.30pm and from 3pm to 5.30pm
December 25th Christmas - Closed
1 January - Closed all day
Alagna social media
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