
Die Walser Im Land

The group Die Walser Im Land, literally the Walser of Alagna on the South face of Monte Rosa, collects the legacies of culture, its people, its tradition and language. Founded in 1965, by Mrs Angela Gagliardini the first president, the group was committed, since the beginning, to keeping the musical repertoire alive that the historical memory had passed on so imprecise and fragmented.

The vast collection of songs in Walser dialect is a successful example of salvage of authentic and genuine music of the Alps. The discovery of a dance tradition, research on women's costumes and the recovery of the male costume versions, crown the project of the group, which today counts 35 members between 9 and 70 years and boasts a large instrumental division. The components of the Group wear costumes of different eras the oldest of which dates back to the early 1800's. Every year the group promotes important events aimed at spreading the Walser culture. The 22-23 September 2007, Alagna and the group Die Walser Im Land hosted the triennial edition of the Walsertreffen, the great gathering of the Walser of Europe.

Have a look also to: costumes of Alagna, legends,traditions and songs


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0163 922 988

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