
The Monterosaski

Alagna, Gressoney, Champoluc, Antagnod have 180 km of slopes in total.
The Alagna Valley is the most challenging of the Monterosa Ski area. It is well-known thanks to its excellent access to the most exhilarating off-piste routes, but also with easy connection to all the slopes in the domain. Alagna is the perfect destination for people looking for high emotion freeriding as well as those looking for less challenging skiing in an untouched high mountain environment far from the crowds of the big resorts. It is the ideal choice for those looking for a dynamic, sporty holiday in a place where not only the amount of pistes are important, but also hectares and hectares of fresh virgin snow!monterosaski_logo
Monterosaski an experience to the limit. And the numbers for themselves.
3  valleys connected to each other: Valle d’Ayas, Valle di Gressoney e Valsesia.
180 km of pistes
170 km of programmed snowfall
6 Alpine Resorts between Valle d’Aosta and Piemonte: Champoluc, Antagnod, Brusson, Gressoney La-Trinité, Gressoney-Saint-Jean and Alagna
780.000 square meters of snowfall averaging in the winter season
2 Alpine crossings for the passage of skiers: Colle Bettaforca (2705 m. asl) and Punta Indren (3275 m. asl)
37 skilifts: 14 chairlifts, 10 Baby Snow Parks/ tapis roulant (conveyor belts) for beginners and children, 4 Skilifts, 8 cable cars, 1 cable railway,
69 pistes: 22 blue (easy for everyone), 41 red (intermediate, for regular skiers), 6 black pistes (difficult, for expert skiers only)
50.000 people/hour is the total capacity of all the skilifts together.
96% of programmed snowfall

Get inspired
Book with Monterosa Booking, call the number 0163 1900925
Tourist Office of Alagna Valsesia
0163 922 988

Alagna Tourist Office is open every day from 9am to 12.30pm and from 3pm to 5.30pm
December 25th Christmas - Closed
1 January - Closed all day
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