September in Alagna

The best month to enjoy the last few days of your mountain vacation! The crisp and clear morning air immediately gives you the right energy.

How about going to Passo dei Salati to see the colonies of ibex with the little ones born in the summer?

Lifts here
We’ll see several of them near the arrival station, intent on licking the mineral salts from the stone walls, not at all intimidated by the passage of people.

We can enjoy a cappuccino and a slice of cake from the terrace of the station lift while admiring Monte Rosa’s glaciers or stroll on the Cimalegna plateau discovering easy botanical routes and panoramic peaks such as the CORNO DEL CAMOSCIO at 3024 meters.

As we get closer to the autumn, our approach to nature is related to the preparation of the pantry in view of the winter: there are those who will think of fishing the "trout" of the Sesia (purchase of daily permits at the Baretto in the Ponte hamlet) or those who will go through the woods in search of Porcini and Finferli (daily permit via bulletin c / o Unione Montana dei Comuni).

For the lazy ones, our restaurants and trattorias offer dishes with an autumn taste: trout with butter, tagliatelle or risotto with mushrooms, bagna caoda with vegetables, polenta with deer or polenta concia.

Here our Restaurants.

Life in the village slows down after the summer frenzy. Strolling through the alleys that connect our hamlets in search of curious details is certainly relaxing. You can reach Resiga, Der Sogu, the southernmost hamlet of the town. To welcome us a splendid waterfall that once fed the town's sawmill. It is a pleasant place, no one knows why but it seems that the compasses go crazy.
Or we walk along the pedestrian street that crosses the town from Pedelegno to Giacomolo, in the small Necer Square we find the fountain with the three jets that represent the three waters of the valleys of Alagna: Otro, Olen and Sesia. Which is the best? If you ask in the village it depends on which fraction who answers you comes from!!!!

Did you know that the municipality of Alagna is made up of two villages? Alagna and Riva Valdobbia have decided to join in 2019 in order to better manage the resources, the inhabitants will never say that they are happy to be a single village but in fact Alagna has Monte Rosa and cannot see it because of the Olen horns and Stofful… from Riva, on the other hand, you can see very well!

The facade of the church of Riva Valdobbia immediately strikes the eye. The fresco depicting the Last Judgment seems to come to life as it is so vivid. The giant San Cristoforo, protector of the border areas, observes you from any angle you look at him.

The square of Riva Valdobbia is reminiscent of a living room. It is there that we meet for a chat with friends, sipping cocktails prepared by expert hands, discussing the crops of potatoes and gardens, especially on the day of the San Michele Fair which always falls on the last Sunday in September.

The Fair is an excellent opportunity to learn about local crafts. There are numerous stalls of wooden objects, cloth artifacts but also of typical cheeses, jams, salami.

Here you will find the events of Alagna.

Good September!




Get inspired
Book with Monterosa Booking, call the number 0163 1900925
Tourist Office of Alagna Valsesia
0163 922 988

Alagna Tourist Office is open every day from 9am to 12.30pm and from 3pm to 5.30pm
December 25th Christmas - Closed
1 January - Closed all day
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