
Alpe Campo

Trekking with wonderful views over the Monte Rosa


From Frazione Ronco take the path 208 direction Colle Mud. Follow the path few metres and turn in to the path n.209. First you meet the small hamlet called Wittwosma, than a large forest and at the end you are in the wide plain of the Alpe Campo.

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Alpe Campo is the balcony on Mont Rosa par excellence. From this mountain pasture you can savour the splendid view of the entire massive that mirrors in a poetic lake near the homes. The impressive Mont Tagliaferro, in competition with Alagna and Rima, dominates the beautiful plateau with its Northern crest, with the open, panoramic trail that leads to the summit of the mountain. The small group of stone houses, leaning onto the spacious flat meadows, are protected by the little chapel dedicated to St.Uberto, patron of the hunters. On 3rd November, feast day of the saint, there is a big party and all the hunting rifles and dogs are blessed. The chapel door is a piece of history. It is in fact the door of the first Capanna Margherita inaugurated in 1893.The curious events of this mountain pasture is closely linked to the goodwill and passion of Gilberto Negri, who since the early 90's has brought back new life to this area, restoring an ancient mountain hut to turn it into a social venue of the CAI branch in Alagna. Today it is a small refuge looked after by Gilberto himself.


frazione Ronco (Alagna) 1254 m
669 m
1,30 h
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0163 922 988

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