
Mountain huts of the Monte Rosa

Mountain huts of the Monte Rosa

Mountain huts story is the history of MonteRosa Mountaineering; now as in the past they are the safe and comfortable base for every lover of high altitude.

Outpost to experience the mountains closely. The adventure of the mountain huts and mountaineering began around the mid-nineteenth century. Wool jackets, leather studded boots, mules and alpenstocks accompany up to the tops of the first brave; Alagna turns, there are hotels and villas in the Art Nouveau style. The highlands changing huts and shelters and hotels are situated at high altitude with the powerful thrusts of the Italian Mountain Club section of Varallo, born in 1867. In 1876 the association built his first hut on the monte Rosa dedicated to Giovanni Gnifetti, the mountaineer abbot who first climbed the top of Monte Rosa. In 1893 was inaugurated the Margherita hut. In 1909 the hotel Stolemberg Grober located in Olen Pass.

It’s been years since the first pioneering buildings: many changes and improvements to keep up with developments and technical innovations but constantly remains the approach to the mountain and the respect for the environment. The mountain huts dispose of downstream all waste they produce. The rates to customers are including the cost of transportation by helicopter of sewage and waste, the contribution of each to the environment. They are equipped with oil systems but 20 % of the electricity is produced by solar panels.
Get inspired
Book with Monterosa Booking, call the number 0163 1900925
Tourist Office of Alagna Valsesia
0163 922 988

Alagna Tourist Office is open every day from 9am to 12.30pm and from 3pm to 5.30pm
December 25th Christmas - Closed
1 January - Closed all day
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