
Indren lift story

With the first installations of the Belvedere lifts, it was expressed the desire of Alagna to be connected to his mountain the Monterosa .
In the early 60s thanks to the engineer Giorgio Rolandi dream takes shape. Rolandi designing and funding a great and cutting edge design: lifts Alagna Zaroltu Bocchetta delle Pisse Indren leading up to the 3,260 meters above sea level in Punta Indren on the glacier.
Shovel pickax, engines carried on the shoulders, all work done by hand without the aid of machinery. In six years are made 3 sections of the link: about 2,000 meters in altitude!
The lifts provide summer skiing thanks to the high altitude of the glaciers and allow easier access to the picks of the Monte Rosa.
The result is the tourist development and the consequent emergence of new realities as the Ski School Alagna.
Over the years Alagna change needs; an increasing number of people are interested on Monterosa . In 2000, the Autonomous Region of the Aosta Valley and Piedmont Region agree on the birth of a ski lift connection by creating an inter-valley link through the Passo dei Salati.
The new routes Alagna - Pianalunga and chairlift to Bocchetta delle Pisse replace the Alagna - Zaroltu; in 2004 stats its work the funifor Pianalunga - Cimalena - Passo dei Salati and in 2009 the funifor Passo dei Salati - Indren witch ensure access to Indren.

Get inspired
Book with Monterosa Booking, call the number 0163 1900925
Tourist Office of Alagna Valsesia
0163 922 988

Alagna Tourist Office is open every day from 9am to 12.30pm and from 3pm to 5.30pm
December 25th Christmas - Closed
1 January - Closed all day
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