
Rimasco and Rima San Giuseppe

Curves and climbing to conquer the arrival to the most high village of Valsesia coasted by nice meadows and high mountains. Prima di raggiungere Rima è d’obbligo la sosta a Rimasco 906 m, adagiata attorno al lago artificiale, creato nel 1925 per la produzione di energia elettrica.

Oggi il piccolo borgo è luogo privilegiato per gli appassionati di pesca ma Rimasco è nota anche per gli impianti sciistici e la palestra di roccia “Guido Filisetti”.

La sua posizione geografica, sul punto d’incontro dei torrenti Sermenza ed Egua, simboleggia la sua cultura di confine, fra quella romanza e quella Walser. Una colonizzazione multietnica, infatti, racconta la sua storia, il cui retaggio Walser è ben presente alla Dorca, un piccolo villaggio a 1269 m., ora vissuto solo nella bella stagione o nei fine settimana dove una splendida “torba”, di recente restauro, testimonia la presenza del popolo vallesano sul territorio.

Walking through the streets of the village discovering the elegant houses that witnessed the period of wealth and prosperity started at the end of'800, when using the "secret of artificial marble," the local artists enriched working in the European courts.
The Parish Church of St. John the Baptist, with a lot of works, represent an example of this art. Behind the village in the forest, we find a “gipsoteca” that keep plaster statues of one of the most important sculptor of Italian eighteen century: Pietro Della Vedova born in Rima.
The huge Tagliaferro mountain (2964 Mt.) and the Corno of Rima (2117 Mt.) watch over the country. A large part of the territory all around is protected by the Natural Park of High Valsesia, this keeps it a special place to observe the alpine flora and fauna. Numerous meadows frequented by shepherds that climb with their animals in spring time producing butter and cheese sold in place. It is amazing the way that local people worked the stone for build up and known how to exploit the steep of the ground, an example are the baite “on line” of the Alps of Lanciole di Sopra.
A particularly interesting trip touches the Vallè di Sopra where we find amazing megalithic evidence called “Ancient homes”. At Vallè di Sotto, upon a big stone, we find engraved cupels and footprint. Our journey ends in a true valley, lived and lacked of “frills” of mass-tourism, that brings us back to our origins.

How to reach us From Alagna follow the high way 299 to Varallo Sesia about 30 km up to Balmuccia. Turn left and enter the Val Sermenza. When you are in Rimasco, at the church turn left and in 10 Km you are in Rima.


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Tourist Office of Alagna Valsesia
0163 922 988

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