

Alagna – Pianalunga

Start: 1191 meters above sea level End: 2050 meters above sea level Elevation gain: 859 meters Difficulty: difficult Travel time: 45 minutes one way

Starting from Piazza Grober, follow the uphill road towards the cable cars. After a short while, keep to the right towards the Casa Prati hamlet, which appears on the road leading to the higher hamlets. Near the intersection of the two roads, you'll see a sign for the Montella hamlet. It's worth a visit, but you'll need to walk your bike. Continuing uphill, you'll reach the junction for the Rusa and Goreto hamlets, reachable in a few minutes, passing through Dosso and Piane. The road to Pianalunga passes through the Piane hamlet, becomes a dirt road, and a service road. It touches Alpe Seiwji and then Pianalunga. Return along the same path.

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Book with Monterosa Booking, call the number 0163 1900925
Tourist Office of Alagna Valsesia
0163 922 988

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December 25th Christmas - Closed
1 January - Closed all day
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