
Castore 4226 m

The Castore peak 4226 m

The Castore is an all-time classic ascent and one of the most famous of Mount Rosa’s 4000mt peaks. Located at the head of the Ayas and Gressoney valleys, it marks the border between Valle d'Aosta and Valais. The ascent to Castore is accessible to many and reaching it is made easier by the lifts, which take you up to the Bettaforca pass.

Castore, as well as the nearby peak, Polluce are separated by the hill Verra. Due to the similar conformation of the two peaks, their names were inspired by the mythical Greek twins connected by brotherly love.

castore peak 4226

The summit of the Castore peak was first reached on 23 August 1861 by William Mathews and Fredrick William Jacomb, accompanied by the great alpine guide Michel Croz from Chamonix. The guides from Alagna and Gressoney Alagna and Gressoney start the ascent to Castore from the refuge Quintino Sella at Felik across the long and narrow south-eastern ridge;climbing upwards, flanking Punta Perazzi, to reach the Felik pass at (4,061 m). The Felik pass separates Castore from Western Lyskamm and this is also the starting point of a partly aerial ridge, which is surrounded by a magnificent high mountain environment that leads you to the summit.

Today the refuge Quintino Sella which was expanded in 2019, is a modern, efficient and environmentally-friendly structure, with a large dining room facing the Lyskamm peak. As particular attention is paid to a correct impact on the environment, the managers only use ceramic crockery and glassware. They also use eco-friendly detergents containing plant-based surfactants. The recent structural renovations have been made with the aim of increasing efficient eco-sustainability. The electricity used here is produced with solar panels.

CASTORE 4226m – Brief Description
Slope used to ascend:
Difference in height of the ascent: 1555 m (first day –915 m; second day – 640 m)
Ascent Time: 3 hrs on the first day, 3,3 hrs on the second day
Rest stop: Refuge Quintino Sella at Felik (at a height of 3585 m)
Route to reach Quintino Sella: aided paths
Recommended hiking Period: June – September
Type of route: normal
Type of trail: Track on glacier
Difficulty: EEA – AG – PD

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0163 922 988

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