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Green Paradise

Tired of the suffocating concrete of the city?

About 2 hours from Milan and Turin you can reach the Green Paradise!

We have so much of it that, just think, the municipal administration has to impose the cutting of trees at the roadside, on paths, near houses or in pastures that would otherwise become forests in no time.

We pride ourselves on this but, like everything, there is a downside and in this case it manifests itself in water from the sky. So we made these considerations our own:

‘There is no vegetation without water’

‘Water is life’

‘Water is bread’

Even if it means leaving the house a few more times with an umbrella!!!

Our mountains, our basins

Our usually snow-rich mountains are excellent catchment areas.

Wherever you look, you encounter rivers, waterfalls, streams and rivulets.

What do we do with all this water that far exceeds our own needs?

Wizards of water

We are wizards at transforming this resource.

A small part is channelled into power stations for electricity production (that's the way the world goes!).

Part of it, we turn into snow for artificial snowmaking of the slopes, should the need arise (snow that returns to the territory in the form of water at the first warmth)

Part of it naturally feeds the aqueducts and we drink it!

And part of it we offer to you!

In what way?

You can drink it directly from our fractional fountains (and we will tell you how to find them)

Or you can take it home!!!

Our Project

The municipality of Alagna, always attentive in terms of environmental ecology, in collaboration with the Department of Management of the University of Turin and the Piedmont Region has launched an eco-sustainability project called ‘Alagna Walser Green Paradise’.

Basically, no more plastic bottles.

So, you might say, how do you take home spring water?

To this end, in a first phase, ‘Alagna Water Refill’ dispensers were introduced at commercial activities.

Eco water bottles

The next stage will involve the distribution of flasks bearing the Alagna brand, to participating businesses that will offer a natural and sparkling water refill service, and the mapping of fountains where tourists will be able to use public water free of charge.

This project is for everyone who wants to feel part of a generous territory that must be preserved.

If the slogan ‘Green Paradise ’belongs to you and you want to support this initiative, all you have to do is get the Alagna water bottle.

We put the water on!!!

Get inspired
Book with Monterosa Booking, call the number 0163 1900925
Tourist Office of Alagna Valsesia
0163 922 988

Alagna Tourist Office is open every day from 9am to 12.30pm and from 3pm to 5.30pm
December 25th Christmas - Closed
1 January - Closed all day
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