
We are ready

60 cm of snow and Alagna smiles agian. The heavy snowfall of the last days made us start again in a great way and even if the upcoming season is different from the usual, Alagna all white and silent, we tell you with pride, is beautiful.
We are ready to start a new season. Do you want to know our news? When Piedmont enters the COVID19 yellow zone, the tourist office will open; f now you can write to info@alagna.it and we will give you all the info you need.

We started hitting the cross-country track, 10 km of Monterosa view are a priority for us.

We have selected 5 bobsleigh and sled areas  to make the little ones happy and, why not, the children who always live inside all of us. After 20 December it will be possible to collect your copy of the map of the dedicated areas at the tourist office or download it online on alagna.it or on the Valsesiamonterosa app so you can choose your play area in the best possible way.

We are about to open the skating rink, which appropriately sanitized and with limited admissions, will play its part in Christmas 2020. 

We have decided to dedicate a beaten track in the Vogna Valley to novice snowshoers and we have ready for the more experienced the map of areas with difficulties within the reach of many.

During the Christmas holidays we will organize small groups of snowshoers dedicated to guests asking to  know the silence of the woods in the company of a guide, to visit the real mountain, without fear of being inexperienced.

We are also ready with MTB tours in places accessible and usable even in winter.

For those who will spend their holidays in Alagna, we will propose the consolidated free guided tour of Voci nel Vespro, to get to know Alagna from a historical and cultural perspective, with attention to the past of our small community.

If you have thought about holidays without ski, you are wrong: ski mountaineering with the guides of Alagna is a true alternative, which will reserve forgotten surprises and mountain safety lessons could be an unexpected bet.

The local farms have cellars full of excellent cheeses and a walk in the snow-covered hamlets to reach the stores is a must!

Your safety is our priority, our medical center is ready with quick tests in drive in and if you want to feel safer in a residence that is super attentive to prevention, You can ask for accommodation at the Orma residence or at Smitt House who offer stays with tests included.

Are you worried about restaurants in Alagna closed in the evening? we are ready with an adequate home service and you can book your dinner directly online, to be able to have it at home in a few clicks.

Alagna has a thousand-year history and a tradition for hospitality that spans 2 centuries. Together with the many limitations of this period, new opportunities are coming forward and we think that discovering an authentic and silent Alagna can be a real surprise for this end of 2020.

Get inspired
Book with Monterosa Booking, call the number 0163 1900925
Tourist Office of Alagna Valsesia
0163 922 988

Alagna Tourist Office is open every day from 9am to 12.30pm and from 3pm to 5.30pm
December 25th Christmas - Closed
1 January - Closed all day
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