
Historic St. Michael's Fair September 29, 2024

As has been the case every year since the 15th century, in the early autumn of September, the Historic St. Michael's Fair will be held during the last week of the month.

The origins

In its origins it was a real market, in which villagers, but not only, prepared to face the cold and long winter. Even residents of Gressoney would cross the Valdobbia Pass to visit and shop at the Fair!

In this market you could find a little bit of everything, from winter clothing to handicrafts; in the first square of the village, they even brought the cows of Riva's shepherds!

Imagine Riva immersed in a festive autumn atmosphere, with many people ready to welcome those arriving for the Fair visit, children running around, and the music of accordions!

Over the years, this beautiful Fair has undergone some transformations; first of all, cows are no longer brought in, and from a real market it has become a craft fair in which exhibitors from all over the Valley and Piedmont come to the little village at the foot of Monte Rosa to display their products, created with so much patience and love.

The cozy banquets

Waiting for you will be stalls with local handicrafts (with typical Walser slippers: the so-called “scapin,” panniers, scarves, woolen caps, and beautiful wooden products) and stalls with Valsesian food products (cheese, fruits and vegetables, honey, and, above all, miacce: our specialty!).

You cannot miss the delicious masarai potatoes, usually cooked in the morning, and the apple fritters that will follow in the afternoon!

The historic tradition

The Pro Loco of Riva will welcome you near the charming Church with sausages and delicious pizzas prepared with such passion by volunteers in Riva's historic bakery!

Fresh autumn air, accordion music, handcrafted products, local foods and, above all, a lot of will to pass on a long tradition

We look forward to seeing you on Sunday, September 29 in Riva to enjoy the carefree atmosphere that only the Historic St. Michael's Fair can offer!

Get inspired
Book with Monterosa Booking, call the number 0163 1900925
Tourist Office of Alagna Valsesia
0163 922 988

Alagna Tourist Office is open every day from 9am to 12.30pm and from 3pm to 5.30pm
December 25th Christmas - Closed
1 January - Closed all day
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