
Mixed Woodlands

This is a typical feature of the Alpine plains and in the Park this woodland is found in Fobello and Rimella. Normally this type of vegetal aggregation is not found above 1400 – 1500m. The two tree types are interspersed, but you can notice a preference of the Silver fir in the more shady zones (on the Northern side). In some areas you may find the Spruce next to the Silver fir, the former not being a native species to the Western Alps.

These plantations however were planted by man. As mentioned with the LarchForest this woodland type forms an important biotype for numerous existing animal life. In fact during an excursion it is easy to observe roe, squirrels and numerous bird types such as woodpeckers, jays, and sparrows together with some birds of prey, typically found in forests such as buzzards, goshawks and sparrow hawks. The wood of the fir and beech trees are used by man and many items are made using these natural reserves. Not so long ago, and also nowadays, beech trees are an excellent source of heating. If you carefully observe the areas in the vicinity of the alpine pastures, a sort of competition between the forest and man is visible; due to man forcing his presence and claiming new territory for landuse. Now that man has progressively abandoned the mountain pastures, the forests are reclaiming the territory they lost.

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0163 922 988

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